Dear readers, what a long time since i update my blog. Damn lazy to update. Alright, people may do wrong things in his / her whole life. Is whether how serious it is & will the person learn their mistake. We should also give them a chance & let them amend their mistake. My forever QUOTE, " FORGIVE & FORGET ". Next time if anything happens to you at least the person will treat you back the same way. Isn't it?Anyway, a big big thanks to all my beloved friends who ask me about my situation between me & him. Thanks for the care & concern :) We're fine. Don't worry. I decided to give him a chance because i think these problem can be easily solved & nothing serious about it too . Eventually, he don't even know a single thing over here. One day he will realised how true am i to him. Let bygones by bygones. Grinnns ;) okok. These few days nothing happen. Same procedure, at home like taitai. Do nothing. Guess where i am? At depot.
BABY♥ is having his billard match with one guy name bryan or what. Than very nice lor, i'm here rotting & doing nothing. BORED! So sorry readers, i know my blog is getting very bored. I will try to make it more happening 0.o STAY TUNE!